
Circuit Class Documentation


The Circuit class is a wrapper around the QuantumCircuit class, providing a simplified interface for creating and manipulating quantum circuits. It supports common quantum gates, measurement, and export functionalities.


  • Circuit(qubitCount: number)

Instance Methods

i(qubitIndex: number): void

Applies the identity gate to the specified qubit.

h(qubitIndex: number): void

Applies the Hadamard gate to the specified qubit.

x(qubitIndex: number): void

Applies the Pauli-X (NOT) gate to the specified qubit.

y(qubitIndex: number): void

Applies the Pauli-Y gate to the specified qubit.

z(qubitIndex: number): void

Applies the Pauli-Z gate to the specified qubit.

t(qubitIndex: number): void

Applies the T gate to the specified qubit.

cx(controlQubitIndex: number, targetQubitIndex: number): void

Applies the controlled-X (CNOT) gate.

cz(controlQubitIndex: number, targetQubitIndex: number): void

Applies the controlled-Z gate.

print(nonZero?: boolean): void

Prints the current state of the quantum circuit.

run(): void

Executes the quantum circuit.

measure(qubitIndex?: number): number | number[]

Measures the specified qubit or all qubits if no index is provided.

toQsharp(): string

Exports the circuit to Q# code.

exportSVG(): string

Exports the circuit to an SVG representation.

Static Methods

genRandomNumber(max: number): number

Generates a random number between 0 and max using a quantum circuit.

genRandomNumberWithRange(min: number, max: number): number

Generates a random number between min and max using a quantum circuit.

genRandomString(length: number): string

Generates a random string of the specified length using quantum-generated random numbers.

teleportationOneToTree(circuit: Circuit): Circuit

Applies a quantum teleportation protocol on the provided circuit.

Example: Creating a Quantum Circuit

import { Circuit } from '@earlold/quantum.js';
const circuit = new Circuit(3);
circuit.h(0);, 1);;