Quantum Coin Game

Example: Quantum Coin Game

The game is played with a quantum coin, which is in a superposition of heads and tails.

Alice - Quantum Computer Bob - Opponent(Human)

heads = |0> tails = |1>

The rules are simple:

  1. Alice places the coin in a state of her choice (heads or tails on top) in a box that covers the coin. Even by touching the coin, it is impossible to determine which side is up.
  2. Bob reaches into the box and has the choice to flip the coin over or not. Alice cannot see what he is doing.
  3. Alice reaches into the box and performs an operation of her choice (flip or not flip).
  4. The coin is uncovered and the result is read.
  5. If its heads, then Quantum Computer wins. Else, Opponent(Human) wins.

Important: Alice and Bob don't know the result of the coin until it is uncovered.

The game is implemented using quantum.js.

import { getQuantumCoinGameResult, quantumCoinGame } from 'library';
const res = quantumCoinGame(false);


Quantum Computer wins


  1. Playing with a Quantum Computer (opens in a new tab)
  2. Quantum Coin Game Wiki (opens in a new tab)
  3. Quantum Coin Game (opens in a new tab)