Quantum Teleportation

Example: Quantum Teleportation

This example demonstrates how to create a quantum circuit that performs quantum teleportation using the Circuit class. Quantum teleportation allows the transfer of quantum information from one qubit to another without physically transferring the qubit itself.

The code snippet below creates a quantum circuit with 3 qubits and applies the quantum teleportation protocol to teleport the state of the first qubit to the third qubit.

import { Circuit } from '@earlold/quantum.js';
const circuit = new Circuit(3);

Code Explanation

  1. Importing the Circuit Class:

    import { Circuit } from '@earlold/quantum.js';

    This line imports the Circuit class from the Circuit module, which provides the necessary functionality to create and manipulate quantum circuits.

  2. Creating a Quantum Circuit:

    const circuit = new Circuit(3);

    This line initializes a new quantum circuit with 3 qubits. The number 3 specifies the number of qubits in the circuit.

  3. Applying the Quantum Teleportation Protocol:


    This static method on the Circuit class applies the quantum teleportation protocol to the circuit, teleporting the state of the first qubit (qubit 0) to the third qubit (qubit 2).

  4. Printing the Circuit:


    This method prints the current state of the circuit, allowing you to visualize the quantum gates and their positions on the qubits.

Quantum Teleportation Protocol

The quantum teleportation protocol involves the following steps:

  1. Entanglement Creation: Create an entangled pair of qubits (qubits 1 and 2).
  2. Bell State Measurement: Perform a Bell state measurement on qubits 0 and 1.
  3. Classical Communication: Send the measurement results (classical bits) to the location of the third qubit.
  4. State Reconstruction: Apply a corresponding quantum gate on qubit 2 based on the received classical bits to reconstruct the original state of qubit 0 on qubit 2.

The Circuit.teleportationOneToThree method encapsulates these steps, making it easy to perform quantum teleportation in your quantum circuits.

Usage Example

import { Circuit } from '@earlold/quantum.js';
const circuit = new Circuit(3);

This example sets up a quantum teleportation circuit with 3 qubits and prints the resulting circuit configuration. The teleportation protocol transfers the state of the first qubit to the third qubit, demonstrating the power of quantum entanglement and classical communication.